Connecting to Christ and one another by sharing special interests and studies.
Power of Prayer
This monthly group meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30pm. Join us to talk about prayer, care for one another, and PRAY with us! Join the Power of Prayer Group on MyPeace or contact Pastor Alex to get connected.
Book Club
The Terrific Tuesday Book Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm (usually in the church office, but occasionally at a special location)! Join us at Peace for a rousing discussion and a chance to connect with others. For a list of upcoming book selections, join the MyPeace Group or contact Pastor Alex!
Women’s Weekly Study
Join us every Wednesday morning at 6:30am on Zoom for caring conversation, Bible study, and lots of laughter. Click the button below to join the MyPeace group - you’ll then receive updates AND the Zoom link. Contact Pastor Alex with any questions.
You are invited to this early morning caring community where we gather for rich conversation, good food, and a Bible study that focuses on the upcoming preaching text and how it relates to YOUR life! Join us Tuesday mornings at 6:45am at the Fry’n Pan across from the Empire Mall (4204 W 41st St) and via Zoom. We’ll read the preaching text for the upcoming week and talk about how it relates to YOUR life! Join us at the restaurant or contact Pastor Paul to get connected.
Women’s Breakfast
Gather at 6:30am for breakfast at the Fryin' Pan on 41st Street every Tuesday morning for a book study and fellowship. Contact Pastor Elizabeth to be a part of this group.
Friday Morning Bible Study
While this may be slightly larger than a SMALL group, this faithful group gathers Friday mornings at 10AM in the Shalom Room for conversation and treats, followed by a pastor-led Bible Study from 10:30–11:30AM. Drop by to check it out anytime!
Peace Quilters
Join this group of energetic ladies as they tie quilts one or two Thursday mornings each month to give to charities near and far.
Seniors Ministry Game Days
Cards and other games are played the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month from 1-3PM in Room CE. Join us for an afternoon of fun and games!
Have another idea for a special interest small group or Bible study opportunity?
Contact Pastor Alex or Holly Marty to find out how they can help get it off the ground!
Alex Smith
Associate Pastor
Holly Marty
Director of Faith Formation