Adults — Peace Lutheran

Fellowship, a stimulating program, a tip on a good book, or simply transportation to worship or an upcoming doctor’s appointment, are a few things our Ministry for those "wise-in-years" has to offer.

Adult Ed.


A time for adults to gather, connect, and take a closer look at the week’s Bible text. We meet both in the Shalom Room and via Zoom on Sunday mornings at 9:00am! Click the button below to join the groups - you’ll then receive weekly updates.

Women’s Weekly Study

Join us every Wednesday morning at 6:30am on Zoom for caring conversation, Bible study, and lots of laughter. Click the button below to join the MyPeace group - you’ll then receive updates AND the Zoom link. Contact Pastor Renae with any questions.

Men’s Breakfast

Tuesday mornings at 6:45am at Fryin’ Pan on 41st Street or online via Zoom. Read the preaching text for the upcoming week and talk about how it relates to YOUR life! Contact Pastor Paul to get connected.

Women’s Breakfast

Gather at 6:30am for breakfast at the Fryin' Pan on 41st Street every Tuesday morning for a book study and fellowship. Contact Pastor Elizabeth to be a part of this group.

Friday Morning Bible Study

Join us Friday mornings starting at 10:30am in the Shalom Room or via Zoom - head to our Friday Morning Bible Study page for information and access. If you’re not receiving information or have questions, contact Pastor Renae or Pastor Jonathan

Women’s Circle

Monthly group (meeting on the third Thursday of the month in the Gathering Place) that study scripture using the Gather magazine while enjoying refreshments and one another’s company. Women’s Circle meets at 9:30am.


Coffee & Treats after Worship

Join us in the Gathering Area after worship as we enjoy each other's company with a hot cup of Joe in one hand and some kind of sweet snack in the other!


Seniors Ministry Potluck

The fourth Monday of every month, we get together to share a meal and learn a little something or enjoy some entertainment. Speakers and musicians from all over come in to present their experience and areas of expertise. During the cold months we meet at 12:00pm (noon) and throughout the warm months we’ll meet at 5:30pm!


Call the Peace receptionist at 605-361-3683 by Thursday noon if you need a ride to the Sunday 9:00am or 10:10am service or Friday Bible study at 10:00am.

Contact Ron ( or 361-3683) at least 10 days in advance if you need a ride to your FIRST medical appointment by Project CAR Healthy Rides. You will contact Project CAR directly afterwards.

Seniors Ministry

Game Days

Join us on the first and third Thursday of each month at 1:00pm in room CE. We'll have an afternoon full of fun and games. Coffee and treats will also be provided.

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Holly Marty

Director of Faith Formation