Recovery Groups — Peace Lutheran

Peace Lutheran offers a number of recovery groups that meet at Peace on a regular basis. Often it is those who have similar experiences who are best able to listen to and offer care to others who are faced with challenges. 

For information, review the descriptions below, email, or call 361-3683.

Addiction Support Groups

Peace Lutheran encourages ongoing addiction recovery by providing space for 12-step support groups to meet on a weekly basis at the church.  These groups are member-led and self-directed.

Alcoholics Anonymous — There are two AA meetings each week: Saturdays at 10:00am and Thursdays at 7:00pm. Each group meets in the RST Room.

Narcotics Anonymous — NA meets once a week, on Thursdays at 8:15pm, in the RST Room.

Al Anon Family Group — The Al-Anon group meets on Saturdays at 10:00am, in the UV Rooms.

Gamblers Anonymous — The GA group meets on Sundays at 5:00pm, in Room B.