Beliefs — Peace Lutheran

Our Mission

Saved by God's grace, we are called to be instruments of God's peace.

Our Belief

Peace is a congregation of the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), with over 3.6 million members and 9,300 churches across the United States. We're a confessional church, with roots growing out of the 16th century Reformation. We teach the basic principles and theology proclaimed by Martin Luther: that God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, is what saves us.

Who is Jesus Christ

Jesus is God’s son, sent by God to become human like us. In his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus broke the power of sin and evil, and restored the right relationship of love and trust that God intended for us as God’s children.

To find out more about what the Christian church believes about Jesus as the Son of God, check out the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, or schedule a visit with one of our pastors.

Why Lutheran

Martin Luther (b. November 10, 1483, in Eisleben, Germany; d. February 18, 1546, in Eisleben) is known as the Father of Protestantism. He had studied to become a lawyer before becoming an Augustinian monk in 1505, and was ordained a priest in 1507. While continuing his studies in pursuit of a Doctor of Theology degree, he discovered significant differences between what he read in the Bible and the theology and practices of the church. On October 31, 1517, he posted a challenge on the church door at Wittenberg University to debate 95 theological issues. Luther’s hope was that the church would reform its practice and preaching to be more consistent with the Word of God as contained in the Bible.

To find out more about the current-day events, social statements, community resources, and educational opportunities of the ELCA, check out the official website for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America or schedule a visit with one of our pastors.