Leadership — Peace Lutheran

Paul Stjernholm

Senior Pastor

Pastor Paul has been serving Peace Lutheran since 1993. Prior to his call to Sioux Falls he served St. Paul Lutheran Church in Calhan, Colorado, from 1985 till 1992. He interned at Lord of Life Lutheran Fellowship in Fairfax, Virginia, from 1983 to 1984. In 1985, he graduated from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, with a Master of Divinity degree. He did his undergraduate work at St.Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, receiving his B.A. In 1981.

Pastor Paul and his wife, Julie, were married in 1981 and have four children. He has served on the Advisory Board for Lutheran Social Services/Consumer Credit Counseling for ELCA churches and has been past President of the Sioux Falls Ministerial Association. He is currently Chairman of the Sioux Falls Area Strategy Task Force of the South Dakota Synod, ELCA.

Contact Paul at pastorpaul@peacelutheran.com or (605) 361-3683 ext. 13

Alex Smith

Associate Pastor

Pastor Alex Smith (pronouns: they/them/theirs or she/her/hers) is passionate about sharing the wide welcome of Jesus Christ with all of creation! They serve Peace Lutheran Church by connecting our awesome volunteers with local service and outreach ministries, including Necessities for Neighbors, Feeding South Dakota, Food To You, and Laundry With Love. They serve on the boards for local Charis Ministries and Church on the Street. Alex loves working with people of all ages and is an advocate for people with cognitive disabilities. You can find them in the church library, at monthly Pub Theology, or wherever worship is happening. You are always welcome to stop by or call!

Pastor Alex graduated in 2014 (Augustana University) with a degree in English & journalism and holds a certificate of Peace & Conflict Resolution (ISS University of Oslo) from 2013. Alex was ordained in 2018 (Wartburg Theological Seminary) with an emphasis on pastoral care.

Contact Alex at pastoralex@peacelutheran.com or (605) 361-3683 ext. 38

Elizabeth Platts

Associate Pastor

Pastor Elizabeth Platts came to serve at Peace Lutheran in the Fall of 2023. She was born in Minneapolis, MN in 1969 to a businessman and a teacher, who raised her in the Episcopal Church through her Confirmation. When her parents divorced, her mother returned to the Lutheran church where Elizabeth fell in love with liturgy and choral music. She attended Saint Olaf college in Northfield, MN with plans to become an English teacher...but God had other plans and called her into the ministry.

She began her seminary training at Luther in Saint Paul and transferred down to Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, SC. Ordained in 1996 to be a Minister of Word and Sacrament, Elizabeth has served churches in Georgia, SC and Minnesota.

Elizabeth loves people, loves to teach and preach, loves one-on-one pastoral care, and loves working with small groups. She particularly has a passion for reaching younger generations of unchurched people, as well as ministering with those in the final chapters of their lives. She brings her passion for biblical studies, her ability to reach out to all kinds of people, and her desire for contemplative worship to Peace.

Contact Elizabeth at pastorelizabeth@peacelutheran.com or (605) 361-3683 ext. 14

Jason Kramme

Associate Pastor

Pastor Jason Kramme hails from the great state of Iowa. As a kid, he spent his free time hunting, fishing, and tuning into his beloved Hawkeyes.

After attending Simpson College, he moved to St. Paul, MN to study at Bethel Seminary to complete a Masters of Divinity degree. In addition to an amazing education, he met his wife, Julie, who was working towards a Masters in Christian Thought.

He spent the last ten years serving Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville, MN. His responsibilities included supervising teams leading family ministry, member engagement, spiritual formation, and stewardship. In previous roles, he also shared responsibility with preaching, pastoral care, and leading worship across the various communities. During this time, Pastor Jason also went back to Luther Seminary in order to be ordained in the ELCA.

Professionally, he gets the most life out of sharing the gospel in creative ways, supporting staff to achieve shared goals, and creating clear and effective systems for ministry.

Together, Julie and Jason have two boys, Emil and Forest. They also have a dog named Zeke! Their favorite family activities are road trips to national parks, cycling, and movie marathons. They have a family goal of getting to ALL of the national parks before the kids graduate from college.

At Peace, Pastor Jason looks forward to sharing the reality of God’s unfailing love each week in worship. He expresses that there is nothing that brings him more life than sharing the Gospel. He can’t wait to dream with the staff about the future of the church in Sioux falls.

Contact Jason at pastorjason@peacelutheran.com or (605) 361-3683

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Church Council

2024 members

Peace Lutheran follows a governance-based leadership model. We give thanks for a Church Council that helps to set policy and guide visioning for the future that inspires our whole congregation to be involved in the work of God at our church.

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  • Adam Hatle, Past President

  • Janet Schlueter, President

  • Jamie Dooley, Treasurer

  • Candice Ligtenberg, Treasurer in Training

  • Amanda Painter, Secretary

  • Tony Turgeon

  • Amy Stensland

  • Michele Jensen

  • Paul Miller

  • Josh Hofmeyer

  • Emma Witt, Youth Representative

  • Pastor Elizabeth Platts, Ex officio

  • Pastor Paul Stjernholm, Ex officio

  • Pastor Alex Smith, Ex officio

  • Pastor Jason Kramme, Ex officio