Endowment Fund — Peace Lutheran

Peace Endowment

The Peace Endowment provides interested donors with an opportunity to use planned or deferred gifts (such as wills, trusts, gift annuities, and life insurance) to endow funds supporting Peace ministries and missions. In addition, you can give to the Endowment during your lifetime to build a lasting gift. Whether through planned, deferred, or current gifts, the Endowment provides you another way to further your lifetime commitment and stewardship. The Endowment exists simply to provide for the future in specific and significant ways.

Ways to give during your lifetime, or as part of your estate:

  • Memorial Gifts

  • Charitable Bequests

  • Gifts in Lieu of Flowers

  • Cash

  • Stock

  • Charitable Remainder Trust (aka Give It Twice Trust)

  • Charitable Gift Annuities

  • Retirement Plan Assets (IRA)

  • Life Insurance

By giving to the Endowment, you will be connecting the un-churched to Christ for generations to come. Just think, someone not yet born could have their eternal story changed by your gift!

How to Make a Gift

If you decide you are interested in making a gift to the Peace Endowment, simply contact the church at (605) 361-3638 or info@peacelutheran.com to indicate your interest. A member of the Endowment Committee will then meet with you to discuss your specific interest.

How Gifts are Managed

Our Endowment Fund dollars are invested in the ELCA Endowment Fund Pooled Trust – Fund A. The Peace Lutheran Endowment Team (a five-member team elected to serve three years) determines how the earnings are used for ministry.


The Peace Endowment has been established to extend the ministry of our congregation.  Whether providing scholarships for young people to attend camp; support new ministry initiatives here at Peace; or look at how we can reach out into our community and around the world, the Peace Endowment is here to make sure your gift is an Instrument of God’s Peace.

Make a gift today

Make a one time offering to the Endowment Fund by clicking the button below: