Christmas Musical — Peace Lutheran

2023 Musical

The Night Shift Before Christmas

Kindergarten - 8th Grade

Be a part of the 2023 Christmas musical! This year’s program is called The Night Shift Before Christmas, a musical with a super-fun story, super-cool music that even the older kids will love, and a solid gospel-based celebration of the birth of the Savior.

The musical's songs will be taught during our Sunday/Wednesday School openings. We'll also have two large group rehearsals on December 3 and 10 from 2:30-4:15pm. Everyone will need to attend these two large group rehearsals!

General registration ends Wednesday, November 1

Speaking, Acting, and Solo Parts

If you’re in 3rd-8th Grade and would like a speaking/acting part, non-speaking part, or solo, register for one of those by Sunday, October 8. We’ll have an additional rehearsal for these students on November 19 from 1:00-6:00pm (practice won't be this whole time, but timing can’t be determined until closer to the date). It is super important that you are available for this rehearsal! Please mark your calendar now!


Sunday, December 17

Join us in the Peace Sanctuary to enjoy the musical and celebrate the birth of Jesus together!

The Night Shift Before Christmas

It's a late-night crowd... the cook, the waitress, travelers for the census, the innkeeper, troublemaking shepherds, and camel drivers. The big news about a little baby travels fast around Bethlehem -- even in the wee hours of the evening at the all-night Falafel House, Bethlehem's 24-hour roadside cafe. It's Bethlehem's only 24-hour restaurant, and owners Flo and Mo are proud of the fact that they've never closed their door... until, perhaps, tonight! As the information stacks up, they've got to make the big decision to go see for themselves.

Pam LT - no words.jpg

Pam Tetzlaff

Director of Faith Formation

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Darya Levesque

Musical Director