Funerals — Peace Lutheran

Funeral and Estate Planning

God’s gracious love for us in Christ enables us to make plans for the future without fear and dread. Peace Lutheran has prepared a document that can be used to guide members in making plans for funerals and end-of-life decisions. This planning should not be limited to those facing terminal illness – it is appropriate for all members, regardless of age or marital status.

The planning document, “Funeral and End of Life Planning,” can be downloaded here or picked up at the church office. When the person completing it has it filled out, he or she may give a copy to Peace Lutheran, in complete confidence, so it will be available at the time of death, per the wishes of the person completing the form. (For best results, download the form to your computer and fill it out, rather than try to fill it out online. Some users have reported problems with saving the PDF form. If that should happen to you, you may wish to use this version of the form, which is in Mircosoft Word format.)

Givers for Life

Givers for Life is a program of education and planning that is available through the auspices of Peace Lutheran. The program was designed by Pastor Greg Johnson, with financial assistance from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, which encourages members and families to initiate the making of wills and specific planning for estate giving.

Lutheran Planned Giving of South Dakota

Supported by the South Dakota Synod of the ELCA, Lutheran Planned Giving is available to help members make estate plans that focus on sharing giving to Lutheran organizations, including Peace Lutheran Church. LPG is located in the synod office, at Augustana College. Contact them online,, or call 1 800-653-9520.