Easter — Peace Lutheran

Saturday, April 19


Sunday, April 20

7:00am | 8:15am
9:45am | 11:00am

Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed

Christ is risen, and through Him all creation is made new! Christ’s resurrection truly brings life to everyone. We sing hymns of praise, gather around sacred words, and proclaim God’s faithfulness, power, and love. With the women at the tomb, we are astonished, elated, and grateful. We depart with joy to proclaim the good news of God’s endless love.



Saturday’s 5:30pm, Sunday’s 7:00am, 8:15am, 9:45am services are organ led accompanied by our Peace Brass and Adult Choir. At the Sunday 11:00am service, we’ll gather to the sound of Peace Brass with worship led by our praise band.

The Sunday 9:45am service will be interpreted for the Deaf and can be found live online on the Heartland Ephphatha Facebook Group.

Holy Week

Click the service below you’d like to learn more about:

Palm Sunday | Maundy Thursday | Good Friday

Worship at Peace 

At Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of Christ Jesus. Only a few days ago, we remembered the unimaginable grief felt by the first disciples as Jesus is laid in the tomb. All hope seemed lost. Death had won once again. But the witness of the women who visited early Easter morning has changed the world forever. With the reading of the Easter story (a hope-filled message) and Holy Communion, we experience the Risen Lord and the fullness of God’s love. In a world full of grief and loss, we need to hear the message of God’s transforming love!


Worship will be about an hour and all services include communion. Dress as you feel comfortable! Worship at Peace is for all ages, so expect a worship service that adapts to the needs of multi-generations.

How to Find Us

We’re located at the corner of 41st Street and Larch Avenue with entrances on all sides of the church. There is a large parking lot that wraps around the building and street parking available on Larch Ave & 43rd St.

Contact the church (info@peacelutheran.com or 605-361-3683) for transportation times and options!

Online Worship

Joining us online? We’re so glad to have you! Simply hop on to our online platform where you can see the service, interact with other worshipers in the Chat feature, and find information on how to stay connected to Peace. Head to peacelutheran.com/Live or hit the button below:

Facebook Live

Our 8:15am, 9:45am, and 11:00am services will be broadcast on our Facebook Page. Join us there for worship and connection plus give the the page a Like to stay even more connected to our church family. Head to facebook.com/PeaceLutheranSF or simply hit the button below:

YouTube Live

Join us on our YouTube Page! This is another great way to sing, pray, and worship with us. Head to youtube.com/PeaceLutheranSF or simply hit the button below:

Saturday, April 12


Sunday, April 13

8:00am | 9:00am
10:10am | 11:15am

In-Person and Online

The 9:00am service will be interpreted for the Deaf and can be found live online on the Heartland Ephphatha Facebook Group.


in the Highest!

Today, we encounter the paradox that defines our faith: Jesus Christ is both glorified king and humiliated servant. We too are full of paradox: like Peter, though we fervently desire to follow Christ, we find ourselves afraid, denying God. We wave palms in celebration today as Christ comes into our midst. Just as the crowds welcomed Jesus into the Holy City, they grabbed the palm branches that were around them. 

If you’re joining us online, we invite you to:
a) Grab a palm branch from the church on Friday, April 14 (office hours: 9:00am-3:00pm)
b) Make your own palm branches
c) Grab a house plant, branch from an evergreen tree, or anything else greenish!

Thursday, April 17

11:30am | 7:05pm

In-Person and Online

The 7:05pm service will be interpreted for the Deaf and can be found live online on the Heartland Ephphatha Facebook Group.

Do this

in remembrance of Me

This evening, our Lenten observance comes to an end and we gather with Christians around the world to celebrate the Three Days of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Tonight, we remember Christ’s last meal with his disciples, but the central focus is his commandment that we live out the promise embodied in this meal. As Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, so we are called to give and receive love in humble service to one another. Formed into a new body in Christ through this holy meal, we are transformed by the mercy we have received and carry it into the world. Departing worship in solemn silence, we anticipate the coming days.

Celebrating the Lord’s Supper at Home

In these times of uncertainty, we take the faith life of our community seriously. We endlessly need to receive the love and grace of God. The sacrament of Holy Communion is one such way. As we go into worship today, make sure to have bread and wine (or juice) ready and near by as we join each other at the Lord’s Table.

Friday, April 18

11:30am | 7:05pm

In-Person and Online

The 7:05pm service will be interpreted for the Deaf and can be found live online on the Heartland Ephphatha Facebook Group.

Forgive them

they know not what they have done

Life and death stand side by side as we enter into Good Friday. In Mark’s passionate account, Jesus reveals the power and glory of God, even as he is put on trial and sentenced to death. Standing with the disciples at the foot of the cross, we pray for the whole world in the ancient bidding prayer, as Christ’s death offers life to all. We gather in solemn devotion, but always with the promise that the tree around which we assemble is indeed a tree of life. We depart silently, and we anticipate the culmination of the Three Days on Easter.