Celebration — Peace Lutheran

Join the celebration as we give thanks to what God is doing and give generously to make it happen.

Steps to this Spiritual Practice

We give thanks for all God has done and now join in the celebration, which has already begun and continues for all time. Giving thanks is a practice of faith that supports the ministry we do together.

Living into God’s call to Peace Lutheran in 2024 will require all of us. Here are a few steps you can take to help you get started in the right direction:

1. Prepare

Think about what at Peace gives you reason to celebrate. What story comes to mind that points to the heart of what this ministry means for you? What hopes do you have for the future?

2. Pray

In prayer, we know God has claimed us in love and gives us faith for the day ahead. How is God calling you to give thanks and support our ministry?

3. Prioritize

Take a step forward in living out your faith. Fill out a Statement of Intent. Signup to join a group or serve at worship or outreach event. Take one step forward in the journey that God has set before you.

Complete your Statement of Intent form or check out our Giving Tools:

Giving FAQs

Why does Peace ask me to plan my stewardship and fill out a Statement of Intent?

Two reasons! One, we are stewards, called by God to care for all that is entrusted to us. Making a plan helps us to live according to what we are. The Statement of Intent form is just one tool that helps us to be better stewards of our financial resources. Two, it helps us plan ministry for the upcoming year.

How much should I give?

Giving is an act of faith. The Biblical model for giving is a tithe, or 10% of your annual income. Most Christians do not start at 10% but choose a starting percentage point and then work to increase that percentage year by year at a .5 or 1% increase. See our Giving Tools page for tools and help on how to calculate percentage giving and growing.

Where do my offerings to Peace Lutheran go?

Investments to the general mission of Peace Lutheran go to directly support the ministry of Peace by paying for the programs, supplies, salaries, utilities, and everything we need to be a church that reaches out into the world with God’s love. Investments to PeaceNEXT support the building project currently underway at Peace. Investments to the Facility Maintenance Fund are used to keep the current facilities we’re blessed with in welcoming condition and good repair.

What kind of impact can my financial stewardship make?

Every gift matters at Peace Lutheran and makes an impact. A gift of $5 a week provides a story Bible and Sunday School material for one student. $125 a month allows for two Stephen Ministry leaders to be trained so we can widen our circle of care. $600 a month covers the cost of our electrical bill for two months so that our building can be open and available for worship, children’s programing, and recovery ministries. The impact of one is always significant. The impact of many is great!

What’s the most helpful thing I can do?

Prayerfully consider your gift and then make a plan. One tool that many Peace members find helpful is a recurring gift set up on MyPeace. An automated gift helps you to do what you want to do and helps us as a church be confident in our plan for the year.

What if I prefer to give in person with cash or check?

There is something about the physical act of giving that helps us remember we are stewards. If this is the case for you, by all means you should continue to give this way! Offering envelopes are available to help and Peace is on Venmo - @PeaceLutheranSF. There is no wrong way to give at Peace.

I have more questions…

More questions can be sent to info@peacelutheran.com or asked at (605) 361-3683.